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It is Primaplast's guideline to seek new means of destination, valuing environmentally and socially more sensible alternatives than the solutions traditionally adopted by competitors, always in full compliance with environmental legislation.


  • Purchase of production leftovers, waste, “off-grade” and salvaged materials.
  • Valorization of waste and disposal of recyclable materials for sale as raw materials.
  • Destruction and mischaracterization of discontinued materials for recycling, including bulletproof vests, plates, panels, shields and ballistic helmets for security areas; airbags, brake and fuel systems and parts in general for the automotive industry; flexible tubes, electric and hydraulic umbilicals, hydraulic jumper, platform anchoring system, ropes, cables and mooring lines, PDG cables, electrical cables, underwater instrumentation and command cables for the offshore industry; computers, electronic components among many others.
  • Destruction for tax purposes, Primaplast centralizes all liabilities related to its customers’ waste. This includes the destruction of imported equipment, for tax purposes. Own teams carry out the destruction, generate a photographic report and then the waste is sent for recycling.

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Quality and standards

Thanks to the implementation of ISO 9001 in 2010, the Primaplast Group constantly seeks to continuously improve its organization's quality management systems and processes. Our products are in compliance with customer specifications and applicable legislation.

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